WALTER NIEDERMAYR USABLE SURFACE, Galerie Johann Widauer September – November 2024

The photographed people don’t seem to connect with the mountains. Instead of being part of the terrain, they appear to stand on or in front of the landscape, almost as if they are just on a surface. Their postures, gestures and their behavior express a presence that is more occupation than relationship, creating a sense of distance. At times, it even feels like they are indifferent to the characteristics of the ground and air, lacking conscious awareness of their surroundings.
Catherine Grout
OCTOBER 22, 2024 6PM A conversation with the internationally influential glacier and climate researcher Georg Kaser.
NOVEMBER 8, 2024, 6:30PM As part of the ‘Premierentage’, Marion Piffer Damiani, art historian and President of the Board of Trustees of the Museion in Bozen, will speak about the work of Walter Niedermayr.