Since 1985, work on projects in which space is examined as a reality occupied and shaped by people. Perception of space and spatial atmosphere in both open and closed spaces are recurring themes in the photographic and video works. Alpine regions and urban structures, architectures and industries are places of examination. Total structures such as prisons and hospitals and their everyday regulations as well as standardised daily routines are subjects of his observation. This becomes clear in the work groups Alpine Landscapes (since 1987), Raumfolgen (since 1991), Rohbauten (since 1997), Artefakte (since 1992) and Bildraum (since 2001). Between 2005 and 2008, the work group IRAN, from 2009 The Aspen Series (completed in 2016), from 2011 the project Koexistenzen (completed in 2017) and in 2015/2016 the project Raumaneignungen. 2012 Beginning of further groups of works in the alpine landscape: the Portraits and at the same time another focus opened up on objects and structures that become relics through their loss of function. The groups of works are to be understood as ongoing projects, in which additions are made again and again through further development.